Moldovan Romani Organisation Complains About Discrimination by Local Doctor

19 June 2007

In March 2007, the Chisinaubased Union of Young Roma, "Tarna Rom", sent a letter to Mr Ion Ababii, Moldova's Minister for Health and Social Protection, expressing concern about discrimination against Roma by medical personnel in the country. The letter followed derogatory remarks by Dr Constantin Ciobanu of Emergency Service Calarasi, who said, "A sodomite son of a bitch Gypsy from Ursari solicits more information." Dr Ciobanu's statement was reportedly made to Tarna Rom during a telephone interview, in which Tarna Rom asked why the local ambulance does not go to the Romani neighbourhood in Usari. Dr Ciobanu said that ambulance goes out only in serious situations, reportedly because of a lack of fuel and financing, but that the ambulance does not go to the Romani neighbourhood. As of the end of May, there had been no response to the letter.

(Tarna Rom)


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