Chronicle - Campaigning, Conferences and Meetings

07 May 2002

January 17-18: Participated in a conference of Frontline on Defenders of Human Rights, Dublin, Ireland.

January 19-20: Attended a meeting of the Parliament of the International Romani Union, Skopje, Macedonia.

January 21-22: Attended a meeting of the NGOs in consultative status with the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.

January 21-22: Spoke about the European Union Race and Ethnicity Directive at the Croatian Draft National Minorities Act Workshop, organised by the Croatian parliament in cooperation with a number of NGOs, Zagreb, Croatia.

January 23-26: Participated in the meeting of the Steering Committee for the joint three-year project "Implementing European Anti-Discrimi-nation Law," undertaken together with Interights and Migration Policy Group, London, U.K.

January 26: Attended a presentation by the Hungarian government of Hungarian government programs for Roma, Budapest, Hungary.

February 2-3: Attended a conference organised by the European Network Against Racism on migration in Europe, Brussels, Belgium.

February 14: Made a presentation on international advocacy strategies for NGO activists at a workshop organised by the Human Rights Students Initiative of the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

February 18: Attended a conference on "Roma in Bilateral Treaties," organised by the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.

February 18-21: Attended a conference on "Roma Integration into Modern Society", organised by the Samara-based Romani non-governmental organisation Romani Duma in cooperation with the Soros Foundation, Samara, Russia.

February 25-26: Spoke on regularising and strengthening the housing and property rights of Roma at the regional consultation "Making Cities Inclusive," organised by UN-Habitat and the Council of Europe, Belgrade, Serbia.

February 27: Attended a board meeting of the League of Human Rights Advocates, Bratislava, Slovakia.

February 28: Gave a presentation on "Who is a Human Rights Activist?" at a workshop organised by the Human Rights Students Initiative of the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

March 4: Testified at a hearing on the legal status of Roma at the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Paris, France.

March 4-6: Attended a conference on Roma and employment, Alsópáhok, Hungary.

March 6: Presented written comments on the situation of Roma in Croatia to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for that body's review of Croatia's compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Geneva, Switzerland.

March 9-10: Hosted a Litigation Strategy Meeting, in cooperation with Interights and Migration Policy Group, in connection with a joint project on Implementing European Anti-Discrimination Law. Fifteen lawyers from the United Kingdom, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Greece, Latrvia, Belgium, and the Netherlands participated in the strategy session, Budapest, Hungary.

March 11: Presented written comments on the situation of Roma in the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for that body's review of Moldova's compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Geneva, Switzerland.

March 14-15: Organised a workshop on "Litigating Discrimination and Human Rights Cases Before International and Domestic Courts: Law and Practice," in cooperation with the Slovak Bar Association, Bratislava, Slovakia.

March 17: Gave a presentation on "The Strengths and Pitfalls of Close Cooperation with Governments," at a meeting organised by the Council of Europe for a group of Romani activists involved in Roma in the Stability Pact projects, Budapest, Hungary.

March 21-22: Attended a conference of the Dutch embassy in Hungary to assess Dutch government funding efforts in Hungary to date, Budapest, Hungary.

March 22: Presented written comments on the situation of Roma in Hungary to the United Nations Human Rights Committee to assist that body's assessment of Hungary's compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, New York, USA.

March 25-26: Attended a meeting of the Specialist Group on Roma affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.

April 9: Testified at a US Congressional Hearing of the Helsinki Commission on "Barriers to the Education of Roma in Europe".

April 8-14: Conducted an advocacy mission to garner support for the desegregation of Romani schools, Washington DC, USA.


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