Council of Europe Comments on the Economic Situation of Roma and Travellers in Europe

07 May 2002

In a press release issued on November 28, 2001, the Council of Europe announced the adoption of a Recommendation by the Committee of Ministers to member states on improving the economic and employment situation of Roma and Travellers. The recommendation emphasises that Roma and Travellers experience difficulty in accessing labour markets due to discrimination, which leads to social exclusion, as well as a lack of training, education and information. The Committee of Ministers recognises in its recommendation that the precarious economic situation of Roma and Travellers also has damaging effects in the areas of housing, education and health. The recommendation states outright the importance of introducing legislation and programmes to counter racial discrimination in the workplace and in access to employment. The Committee of Ministers also recommends that member states of the Council of Europe foster income-generating projects among Roma and Travellers. The full text of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation is available on the Internet at:



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