The Fragility of Professional Competence: A Preliminary Account of Child Protection Practice with Romani and Traveller Children in England

24 January 2018

The Fragility of Professional Competence: A Preliminary Account of Child Protection Practice with Romani and Traveller Children in England

Romani and Traveller children in England are much more likely to be taken into state care than the majority population, and the numbers are rising. Between 2009 and 2016 the number of Irish Travellers in care has risen by 400% and the number of Romani children has risen 933%. The increases are not consistent with national trends, and when compared to population data, suggest that Romani and Traveller children living in the UK could be 3 times more likely be taken into public care than any other child. This report shows that stereotypical views held by some care professionals are leading to oppressive and coercive practices relating to placement of Romani and Traveller children in state care. The research was carried out by Daniel Allen and Sarah Riding in cooperation with the ERRC and the University of Salford.

The full report is available here.


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