Roma Rights: Spring 1997

10 April 1997

The ERRC acts to promote better understanding of specific problems with which Romani people in various social and cultural environments are faced. We insist that the Roma are endowed with universal human rights and have to be respected and treated equally without discrimination. The ERRC seeks to advance the rights and freedoms of the Romani people not because they may contribute in an exotic way Co European cultures, nor because they may be skilled musicians or story-tellers, but because they are bearers of the universal potential of development as human beings, born equal and free, but denied equality and freedom in today's Europe.

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Roma Rights: Autumn 1996

12 October 1996

The European Roma Rights Center is an international initiative for monitoring the human rights situation of Roma and providing legal defense in cases of human rights abuse. The ERRC is an autonomous international non-governmental organization supervised by a Board of Directors. Romani organizations and Romani individuals throughout Europe donate time, money and expertise to the ERRC.

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