Strategic litigation of race directive in Europe: from principles to practice

30 June 2004

On 29 June 2000, the European Union (EU) adopted the Race Equality Directive. The legal protection of racial minorities required by the Race Equality Directive is groundbreaking. What are arguably the highest legislative standards against race discrimination internationally are now required of all States in the EU. Accordingly, the coming years promise exciting opportunities to advance the rights of racial minorities in Europe and litigation will be an important part of this. 

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Politikano le-thanipe/participacia e Rromengi thaj demokratia ande Europa: cikno sikavimasko lil pala e Rromane aktivistura

26 December 2001

Sa maj but Rroma kamen te sikaven e situacia e Rromengi ande piro foro, piro them, Europa vaj ande sasti luma. Si but Rromane aktivistura save roden o drom sar te keren lačhe/pozitive droma ande Rromane komunitetura. Pe aver rig,kana vareko pučel len,e Rroma phenen kaj naj len zor te keren varesave pharudipa. Kava naj apsoluto čačes godolese kaj svakone manuša si varesavi zor.  

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Политическое Участие и Демократия в Европе

26 December 2001

Все больше и больше цыган проявляют желание улучшить положение своего народа в странах, где они проживают, а также в Европе и во всем мире. Надо отметить, что в Европе проживает немало цыганс-ких активистов, ищущих возможности для позитивных изменений в создавшейся ситуации с правами цыган. 

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Politična participacija in demokracija v Evropi

26 December 2001

Vedno več Romov želi izboljšati položaj v svojem mestu, državi ali Evropi, pa tudi po celem svetu. Še več pa je romskih aktivistov v Evropi, ki želijo prispevati k pozitivnim spremembam v dobrobit romskih skupnosti. 

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Participarea Politică Şi Democraţia În Europa: Un Scurt Ghid Pentru Activiştii Romi

22 December 2001

Din ce în ce mai mult, Romii sunt mişcaţi de dorinţa de a îmbunătăţi situaţia etnicilor din oraşul, ţara lor sau din Europa şi chiar din întreaga lume. Există şi mai mulţi activişti romi în Europa, care caută să aducă o schimbare pozitivă în folosul comunităţilor rome. În acelaşi timp, atunci când sunt întrebaţi, cei mai mulţi romi spun, adesea, că nu au “nici o putere” – că posibilităţile lor de a influenţa sau schimba forma propriilor vieţi sunt reduse sau lipsesc în totalitate. 

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Political Participation and Democracy in Europe

12 December 2001

More and more Roma are becoming moved by the desire to improve the situation of Roma in their town, city, country or in Europe, or even in the world as a whole. There are ever more Romani activists in Europe, seeking to bring about positive change for the benefit of the Romani communities.

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Recognising and Combating Racial Discrimination

04 September 2001

Discrimination on grounds of race, colour or ethnicity ("racial discrimination") is almost always a violation of human rights. In the words of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the primary international law governing the ban on racial discrimination, "... the term 'racial discrimination' shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."  

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