Landmark Verdict Finds Police Discrimination Against Roma, a First in Slovak Civil Court History

22 July 2024

Bratislava, Brussels 22 July 2024: A Slovak civil court has issued an historic first instance ruling in a police brutality case brought by Roma from a community in Vrbnica against the Slovak Ministry of Interior.

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Greek Ombudsman to Investigate Mayor Who Racially Abused and Threatened a Romani Family

01 July 2024

Brussels, Athens, 1 July 2024: The Greek Ombudsman is actively addressing a complaint filed by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), Greek Civil Society Organizations, the Greek Helsinki Monitor, and Pro Bono Publico concerning an incident where the Mayor of Perama, Giannis Lagoudakos, racially abused and threatened a Romani mother and her children.

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Human Rights Report Catalogues Structural Discrimination Against Romani Refugees from Ukraine

17 June 2024

Brussels, 17 June 2024: A new report on the human rights situation of Romani refugees from Ukraine in five receiving countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia) was released today by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and details widespread, structural denial of access to basic rights for Roma from Ukraine resident in those countries. 

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Czech Republic's Failure to Collect Data on Romani Children in State Care Ruled a Violation of European Social Charter

29 May 2024

Brussels, Prague 29 May 2024: The European Committee of Social Rights has issued a landmark ruling against the Czech Republic, acknowledging that the lack of sufficient data collection on the overrepresentation of Romani children in the country’s state care constitutes indirect discrimination. This binding ruling is the outcome of a complaint jointly filed by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Forum for Human Rights (FORUM) in early 2020.

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Why we are boycotting the Hungarian EU Presidency

20 May 2024

Brussels, 20 May 2024: In protest of decades of racist policy, denial of basic human rights, and democratic backsliding at the hands of the Fidesz regime in Budapest, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) will boycott the upcoming Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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ERRC Launches ‘Roma Justice Project’ Platform

16 May 2024

Brussels, 16 May 2024: Today, on Roma Resistance Day, the European Roma Rights Centre launches its Roma Justice Project: a long-term, evolving initiative arguing for a restructuring of Europe’s criminal legal systems to provide better accountability and fairer representation for Roma before the law. The project is centred around a web platform that explores Romani people’s interactions with the criminal legal systems of Europe. By linking our lived experiences of discrimination as Romani individuals with a body of evidence that includes research reports, legal judgments, and quantitative data, the project exposes a criminal legal system that is deeply embedded with institutional racism and unable to function in a way that provides equality or justice for Roma.

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ERRC Launches Flagship LGBTQI+ Roma Initiative

16 May 2024

Brussels, 16 May 2024: Today, on Roma Resistance Day, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) launches its RoMagic initiative, bringing much needed visibility to the discrimination faced by Romani LGBTIQ+ individuals, both from society and also within their Romani communities. Alongside our partners Vojvodjanski Romski Centar in Serbia and RomaJust in Romania, the ERRC will seek to foster an activist group of LGBTIQ+ Romani individuals through this initiative which will serve as a base for the ERRC’s ongoing commitment to defending all Roma from rights abuses, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. 

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