Russian City Officials Threaten to Expel Romani Residents and Set Their Homes on Fire
11 March 2005
During a discussion on measures to combat the drug trade, members of the Yaroslavl City Commission for Law and Order called for the expulsion of Roma who sell drugs from the city, according to a Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) report of November 18, 2004. Referring to several other cities that had reportedly taken similar measures, Deputy Mayor Yevgenii Urlashov claimed, "Why hasn't this been done in Yaroslavl? Wouldn't this be a lot more effective than propaganda or social advertising?" Municipal legislator Sergei Krivnyuk was quoted as having stated, "In my electoral district, there are many Gypsy families, and the police regularly arrest their children and pregnant women for selling drugs. Residents are ready to start setting the Gypsies' houses on fire, and I want to lead this process."
Substantial research undertaken by the ERRC in Russia in recent years has revealed disturbing patterns of police abuse of Roma including fabrication of evidence of drug dealing followed by extortion of money from Romani individuals. Failure to produce the requested sum often results in arrests on drug charges. For further information about Roma rights in Russia, see the ERRC's submission to the US Congress on the Internet at: