Strategic Litigation
Strategic litigation at the ERRC means supporting legal cases designed to expose and contribute to the elimination of discriminatory structures that prevent Roma from enjoying full equality. We are active in both domestic and international courts as well as making submissions to international tribunals, European committees and UN treaty bodies.
24 January 2018
Realising the child's right to participate
03 October 2000
We work at a national and international level to ensure that human rights issues facing Romani communities in Europe are firmly on the political agenda. We provide reliable data on the human rights situation of Roma in the form of reports, submissions, and articles to inform international bodies and committees, as well as our own litigation work.
24 January 2018
ERRC Joins Call to End Childhood Statelessness in Europe
22 November 2016
ERRC Joins International Call to Halt Forced Eviction of Dale Farm
14 September 2011
Dale Farm, the Largest Traveller Settlement in Britain, Under Threat
13 November 2006
31 March 2006
British Newspaper Report Provokes Complaints of Racism
01 February 2006
01 February 2006
Travellers Forcibly Evicted from Campsites, One Significant Win in Securing Caravan Site
22 July 2005
11 March 2005
Appeal By Teen Who Killed Traveller Boy in the UK Rejected
16 December 2004
Police Call for More Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Sites in the Wake of Tensions over Illegal Sites
16 December 2004
Ethnic Monitoring, Gypsies and Travellers
26 July 2004
UK Residents Burn Gypsy/Traveller Effigies in Fire
07 February 2004
Travellers Forcibly Evicted in the UK
07 February 2004
Another Group of Czech Roma Expelled from the UK
07 February 2004
Traveller Boy Killed by Teenagers in UK
07 February 2004
Not Enough Sites For Gypsy/Travellers in the UK
29 October 2003
Luke Clements - Turning the Tide
10 May 2003
A Unified Approach to Equality Law
10 May 2003
UK Court Rejects Claim of Czech Roma and ERRC
10 May 2003
Repeated Collective Expulsions of Roma from UK
10 May 2003
Riot and Fire in Detention Facility in U.K.
07 May 2002
07 November 2001
18 Romani families face eviction in United Kingdom
07 November 2001
Roma protest ban on traditional fair in U.K.
07 November 2001
An emerging consensus on the special needs of minorities: the lessons of Chapman v. UK
15 August 2001
Ethnic discrimination enshrined in U.K. law
15 August 2001
Shotgun attack on Travellers in England
15 August 2001
European Court rejects UK Gypsy applicants
10 April 2001
Racism: denial and acknowledgement
05 December 2000
Realising the child's right to participate
03 October 2000
Traditional British Romani horse fair threatened
03 October 2000
ERRC amicus curiae brief in U.K. Gypsy housing case
11 July 2000
UK government may have illegally given Roma asylum; intense anti-Gypsyism in the British press
12 April 2000
British Home Secretary Jack Straw reported for inciting racial hatred
05 September 1999
15 July 1999
Protecting Romani Refugees around Europe: A Position Paper by the European Roma Rights Center
04 June 1999
03 April 1999
Hrušov quarter, Ostrava, Czech Republic
03 April 1999
03 April 1999
03 April 1999
Roma Rights Autumn 1998: Legal Defence
05 January 1999
Creative human rights litigation
05 January 1999
Roma, asylum, and the visa war
05 January 1999
Letter to the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom
05 January 1999
10 September 1998
Roma from Slovakia seek asylum in the United Kingdom
10 September 1998
The education of Romanies and other Travellers in England and Wales
10 September 1998
Asylum news on Czech, Hungarian and Slovak Roma
15 May 1998
Field report: Britain and France
02 April 1998
UK judge protests detention of male Romani refugees
02 April 1998
Czech government stirs as Roma flee the country
02 April 1998
Activities: August - October 1997
07 November 1997
The European Court of Human Rights Turns Down the First Case
12 October 1996
12 October 1996
Using our European network and in-country activists, we publish accurate news about human rights violations against Romani people which are often untold, or silenced, by governments and media. We make it clear that legal action can, and will, be taken to end this injustice.
Super Rabbi Howell: The First Romani Footballer
30 December 2024
Where are all the Romani and Traveller sports stars?
23 December 2024
Leeds ‘Roma Riots’: A Story of Racialised Deprivation Eclipsed by Far-Right Hate Mongering
05 August 2024
Channel 5’s “The Town the Gypsies Took Over”: Romani and Traveller people deserve better
15 August 2019
Britain First fascists stir up anti-Roma hate in Ballymena
01 November 2018
ERRC Joins Call to End Childhood Statelessness in Europe
22 November 2016
11 September 2013
10 December 2004
UN on United Kingdom's Compliance with International Anti-Discrimination Convention
01 September 2003
Institutional racism: lessons from the U.K.
05 December 2000
02 November 2000
Hrušov quarter, Ostrava, Czech Republic
03 April 1999
03 April 1999
ERRC reaction to UK reintroducing visas for Slovak citizens
08 October 1998
10 September 1998
The education of Romanies and other Travellers in England and Wales
10 September 1998
Czech government stirs as Roma flee the country
02 April 1998
Activities: August - October 1997
07 November 1997
ERRC Press Release on Events in Great Britain
22 October 1997