Joint Submission to the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on the Implementation of R.R. and R.D. v Slovakia

16 July 2024

Written submission from the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and Poradňa pre občianske a ľudské práva (“Poradňa”) concerning the lack of implementation of R.R. and R.D. group v. Slovak Republic (Leading case: R.R. and R.D. v. Slovakia, application no. 20649/18) in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.

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Temporary Protection: The Ongoing Struggle of Romani Refugees from Ukraine in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia

17 June 2024

The report explores how Romani refugees from Ukraine access their fundamental rights in five receiving countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia. The research was conducted based on ERRC monitoring and legal teams in each country, accompanied by specific field visits by ERRC researchers to interview Romani refugees that are long-term resident in their host country.

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ERRC Submission to UN CAT on Türkiye (June 2024)

10 June 2024

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre and Romani Godi concerning Türkiye for consideration by the United Nations Committee Against Torture, at its 80th Session (08 July to 26 July 2024).

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Annual Report 2023

28 May 2024

The annual report can be viewed here.

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Policy Brief: Segregation of Romani Schoolchildren in the Czech Republic

23 May 2024

This policy brief was created for use in the ERRC’s advocacy work during the 2019 – 2024 EU parliamentary term.

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Policy Brief: Segregated Maternity Wards, Reproductive Rights Abuses, and Obstetric Violence Against Romani Women

23 May 2024

This policy brief was created for use in the ERRC’s advocacy work during the 2019 – 2024 EU parliamentary term.

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Policy Brief: Police Brutality and Institutional Racism in Law Enforcement

23 May 2024

This policy brief was created for use in the ERRC’s advocacy work during the 2019 – 2024 EU parliamentary term.

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