Challenging Digital Antigypsyism in the Czech Republic

24 January 2024

This report explores the state of online hate speech in the Czech Republic through the ERRC’s innovative, volunteer-led Challenging Digital Antigypsyism programme which tackles online hate through monitoring, reporting, and legal action.

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Promising Change: Romani Children in State Care in North Macedonia

09 November 2023

This report details the challenges and progress made by the North Macedonian Government with regards to Romani children in state care since its launch of the National Strategy on Deinstitutionalisation 2018–2027.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Bulgaria (October 2023)

27 October 2023

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Bulgaria for consideration by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), at its 111th Session (20 November – 8 December 2023).

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In Time of War: Romani Children in State Care in Ukraine

31 August 2023

This report details problems in the Ukrainian state care system for Romani children, both before and after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022. The research was based on research conducted by the ERRC which includes a series of interviews with Romani families, civil society activists, and representatives of children’s services, as well as high-ranking officials.

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ERRC Submission to CCPR on Slovakia (August 2023)

14 August 2023

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Slovakia for consideration by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), at its 139th Session (09 Oct 2023 - 03 Nov 2023).

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Italy (July 2023)

17 July 2023

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Italy for consideration by the United Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), at its 110th Session (07 Aug 2023 - 31 Aug 2023).

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ERRC Submission to the OSCE-ODIHR contact point for Roma and Sinti

12 July 2023

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning the 4th status report on the implementation of the OSCE action plan (11 July 2023)

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