Policy Brief: Environmental Racism, the Climate Crisis, and Europe’s Roma

23 May 2024

This policy brief was created for use in the ERRC’s advocacy work during the 2019 – 2024 EU parliamentary term.

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ERRC submission to UN CRC on Albania (April 2024)

16 April 2024

Written comments of the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning Albania for consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, at the Universal Periodic Review at its 47th session, (October-November 2024).

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ERRC submission to UN CAT on North Macedonia (March 2024)

25 March 2024

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre concerning North Macedonia for consideration by the United Nations Committee Against Torture, at its 79th Session (15 April to 10 May 2024).

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Albania (March 2024)

25 March 2024

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Albania for consideration by the United Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), at its 112th Session (08 April - 26 April 2024).

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Submission to the European Commission Concerning the EU consultation on the National Roma Strategic Framework and their implementation

16 February 2024

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre to the European Commission concerning the EU consultation on the National Roma strategic framework and their implementation.

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Moving On: Access to Sport for Roma, Sinti, & Travellers in Europe

13 February 2024

Sport is often framed as a tool of public health policy in Europe. It is also lauded for its ability overcome cultural and class barriers to promote understanding and tolerance between players of varied backgrounds. However, such things are rarely envisaged when it comes to national or European policy for Romani and Traveller people.

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Prosecuting Digital Antigypsyism: A Policy Guide for the Czech Republic

24 January 2024

This is a practical set of policy recommendations aimed at public representatives working in the Ministry of Interior, law enforcement agencies, and public prosecutors to better address online hate speech against Roma.

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