Brutal and Bigoted: Policing Roma in the EU

09 June 2022

This report aims to break the silence over racist policing through evidence gathered on police violence against Roma in six EU Member States. It reveals widespread institutional racism, brutality, and impunity amongst law enforcement concerning crimes against Roma. In each of the six countries, the report demonstrates the extent to which anti-Roma racism is endemic and systemic within the ranks of officers paid to ‘protect and serve’.

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Research on the access and functionality of the system for protection of Romani women victims of domestic violence on the territory of Skopje

24 March 2022

The ERRC commissioned the Association Initiative for Women’s rights from Suto Orizari to research domestic and gender biased violence against Romani women in North Macedonia since the adaption of the Istanbul Convention in 2017.

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Justice Denied: Roma in the Criminal Justice System

02 March 2022

The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) in partnership with Fair Trials produced this new set of forthcoming reports to break the silence over the mistreatment of Roma, and to challenge governments’ continued denial of the racism that underpins disparities in criminal justice systems across Europe.

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ERRC Submission to UN CERD on Switzerland (October 2021)

11 October 2021

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Switzerland (Geneva) for Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) at its 105th Session (15 Nov 2021 - 03 Dec 2021).

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ERRC submission to UN CAT on Serbia (September 2021)

17 September 2021

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre concerning Serbia for consideration by the United Nations Committee Against Torture, at 72nd Session (8 November to 3 December 2021).

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ERRC Submission to UN CRC on the Czech Republic (August 2021)

12 August 2021

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning the Czech Republic for Consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at the Working Group of the 88th session (06 September - 24 September 2021)

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Submission to the European Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on France (June 2021)

02 June 2021

Written comments by the European Roma Rights Centre concerning France to the European Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), for their 6th monitoring cycle in June 2021 (postponed from 2020).

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