Strategic Litigation
Strategic litigation at the ERRC means supporting legal cases designed to expose and contribute to the elimination of discriminatory structures that prevent Roma from enjoying full equality. We are active in both domestic and international courts as well as making submissions to international tribunals, European committees and UN treaty bodies.
Poverty among Roma in Northwestern Russia
07 May 2002
We work at a national and international level to ensure that human rights issues facing Romani communities in Europe are firmly on the political agenda. We provide reliable data on the human rights situation of Roma in the form of reports, submissions, and articles to inform international bodies and committees, as well as our own litigation work.
Russian Federation: Country Profile 2011-2012
17 July 2013
16 July 2013
18 May 2007
Further Action against Hate Speech in Russia
18 May 2007
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Concerned at Housing Rights of Roma around Europe
18 May 2007
Action against Hate Speech in Russia
13 November 2006
Racist Attacks on Roma in Russia Cause Death and Severe Injury
13 November 2006
Hundreds of Roma Rendered Homeless in Russia's Kaliningrad Region
13 November 2006
Arson Attack Resulting in Death of a Child in Russia
03 April 2006
A Social Catastrophe: How Politics and Business Contrived to Expel Roma from Their Homes
31 March 2006
Women's Rights Workshop in Volzskhiy
01 February 2006
Romani Families Victims of Pogrom in Russia
22 July 2005
US Congress Hears Roma Rights Abuse Concerns in Russia
16 December 2004
Violations of Roma Rights in the Russian Federation
13 November 2004
05 October 2004
ERRC submission to US Helsinki Commission on Russia (September 2004)
23 September 2004
ERRC statement to the OSCE on the Russian Federation (September 2004)
13 September 2004
The Culture of Giving and Roma Charity
29 July 2004
Police Attack Roma in Saint Petersburg
29 July 2004
04 November 2003
Roma Rights 3/2003: Personal Documents and Fundamental Rights
29 October 2003
Roma in Russia: A Personal Documents Disaster
29 October 2003
First Case Involving Roma Filed against Russia with the European Court of Human Rights
29 October 2003
Roma Rights 1-2, 2003: Anti-Discrimination Law
10 May 2003
10 May 2003
Police Abuse of Roma in Russia
07 November 2002
Racially Motivated Violence against Roma in Russia
07 November 2002
Inequality and the Struggle for Roma Rights
10 July 2002
Anti-Romani Violence in Southern Russia
10 July 2002
10 July 2002
Poverty among Roma in Northwestern Russia
07 May 2002
Two Romani men beaten to death in Russia
07 November 2001
No justice after anti-Romani attacks in Russia
07 November 2001
First Romani newspaper in Russia
15 August 2001
05 December 2000
03 April 1999
Central Russia: police raid on Romani family
05 January 1999
Harassment of Roma by police in southern Russia
10 September 1998
Spotlight on civilian violence
15 May 1998
Official anti-Roma racism from Russia on the Internet
02 April 1998
Abuse of Roma reported in the Russian press
02 April 1998
Using our European network and in-country activists, we publish accurate news about human rights violations against Romani people which are often untold, or silenced, by governments and media. We make it clear that legal action can, and will, be taken to end this injustice.
11 October 2016
14 April 2014
New Country Profiles on Roma from ERRC
17 July 2013
16 July 2013
ERRC Highlights Roma Rights Concerns in Russia
05 June 2008
Public Collegium of Journalists Finds Russian National Media Body Responsible for Anti-Romani Speech
11 March 2008
Romani families under threat of the forced evictions
26 July 2007
Anti-Romani Sentiment Rife in Russian Media
19 June 2007
Continued Hate Speech Against Roma in the Russian Media
19 March 2007
ERRC Urges Russian Newspaper to Refrain from Using Inflammatory Anti-Romani Language
15 February 2007
ERRC Condemns Anti-Romani Actions in Russia
07 February 2007
16 October 2006
Racial Profiling of Roma by Russian Law Enforcement Officials
12 October 2006
Anti-Romani Hate Speech in Russia
10 August 2006
Two Roma Killed in Racist Pogrom in Russia
14 April 2006
Demolition of Romani Houses in Kaliningrad, Russia
24 February 2006
Arson attack resulting in death of a child in Russia
21 November 2005
ERRC Urges Prosecutor to Act on Hate Speech in Russia
12 August 2005
ERRC COUNTRY REPORT: Roma Rights in Russia
11 May 2005
ERRC Urges the Prosecutor of Novosibirsk Region, Russia, to Investigate Arson Attacks on Roma
28 February 2005
05 October 2004
US Congress Hears Roma Rights Abuse Concerns in Russia
23 September 2004
ERRC Submission on Roma Rights in Russia to US Helsinki Commission
23 September 2004
ERRC to Appear at Helsinki Commission Briefing on Roma in Russia
21 September 2004
Anti-Romani Racism in Russian Local Elections
05 December 2003
Roma Rights 3/2003: Personal Documents and Fundamental Rights
29 October 2003
Inequality and the Struggle for Roma Rights
10 July 2002
ERRC: Hate in the Russian Media
29 May 2002